Why Motif8?

Specialising in embroidery and print, Motif8 has been a trusted name in the garment decoration industry for over 20 years. We supply schoolwear, sportswear, workwear and military wear throughout the UK and globally. 

We are one of the British Forces’ largest suppliers of sportswear and leisurewear to military units across the whole of the UK and on overseas operations. Our schoolwear market supplies over 120 schools nationally, from nursery to further education and everything in between. We are also a multi-brand supplier, supplying some of the UK’s biggest sports brands to all areas of sport, from semi-professional to professional level.

Our Printing Process

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Process #1

Process #2

Process #3

Process #4

All of our production is carried out at our factory in the North East. We never outsource work, so you can be confident that we have it under control, all under one roof. We have high-tech machinery in all areas of garment decoration, ensuring a flawless end product for our customers. In our two decades of trading, we have continually broadened our reach into new areas including sublimation and DTF. 

We are proud to supply some big names in the industry. One notable achievement is our recent collaboration with Amazon, providing workwear for many of their UK hubs. Whether you’re a one-man band, or a blue-chip company, we can provide for your business.

We are 100% customer focused, priding ourselves on quality, price and exceptional customer service.

Motif8 in Action

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